Monday, June 16, 2014

Thoughts - The power of creativity

What is the opposite of “Love”? No, it is not hate. The opposite of love is “Fear”. In life only one can exist. When love exists in your life you are full of faith and you attract prosperity. While when fear envelopes you, you are surrounded with doubts and create tragedies and mis-happenings in your life. It seems as if the entire world is out to get you and you are cornered with no place to escape! You curse life, your circumstances, the people in it, yourself, even God (if you still believe in it/her/him!) and low and behold! More of such mishaps come hurling at you and your loved ones! It’s as if your world is crashing in front of you and all you can do is watch it fall bit by bit… has it happen to you?

2008-2009 was a year like that for me. For that matter this movie began in 2005 when all that I had dreamt of started to fall bit by bit piece by piece until 2011 when I was stripped of all I had and was left with nothing but my soul. I write this article from that knowing. From the point of view of having played the victim and now survived and conquered my circumstances. You too can do it. So listen closely as I unfold the lessons in my articles I learnt interwoven with my story..

I am essentially a story teller. You cannot take that out of me. So here goes. 2005 I graduated from my Masters in Arts degree course in Psychology and as I was finishing the course I was unclear of what I wanted to do. Did I want to study further since my dissertation had been in Death Anxiety and I had conducted pioneering research in the world equating Past Life Therapy with Near Death Experiences? Or, did I want to work as an intern with someone, or join corporates as a Trainer as I always loved training. Choices, so many choices to make! I was also practicing Past life therapy and allied therapies at home and wanted to have a clinic of my own. Right at that time, my dad was posted abroad and I had to drop all these plans, and pack my bags and move to the land of Brian Lara. Was I happy? No. I resisted it with all I had. I was coming from fear. What came thereafter was the opposite of prosperity.

We all have a gift. We are creators. Every second we are creating. We create our lives, we create our present, we create our future. We CHOOSE what we want to experience. This thought was rather radical couple of years back specially in 1995 when I first came across this concept. We create with our Thoughts. Each thought is an affirmation. Every day we get more than 40,000 thoughts! And majority of these thoughts are negative!! Can you now see why our reality is the way it is? The famines, the recession, the lack is only the mirror of what we are constantly thinking and creating. It’s that simple. Change your thought, change your reality. J Simple? Yes. Easy? Well, Yes! It’s all about habit and what you focus on. 

At Heal with-in we teach you how to focus on positive thoughts. How to become aware of the negative ones and weed them out? Some of the negative thoughts may not even be your thought patterns to begin with! They might have been picked up by others – the media, authority figures, the past, anyone but be true for you at present. However, they would be responsible of creating your reality all the same! How fair does that seem? Did you know? You could change that? The power is within you. The only question to begin this journey is - Do you want to re-create your life? Do you want to finally own up the responsibility? 

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